Wednesday, May 18, 2011

geocaching and squirrels

Stickers and old tip I left in big enough caches
Recently discovered GeoCaching. If you've never heard of it, it's basically the biggest scavenger hunt imaginable. You can go there to find caches in your area, get their coordinates, read clues, and go out and find them. They could be anything the size of an ammo box (like bellow) or even a dime sized magnet! Anyway when you find them you record your name/date and can take something from the box and replace it with something of equal or greater value. Might sound kinda dorky but its a lot of fun and a great way to start a small adventure no matter where you are.

geocache ammo box and stuff we found inside it. laughed our faces off 


Quick update on the bird house: it seems that either the hole wasn't big enough for the birds and they pecked their way through, or the squirrels of island park were hungry too! Kinda funny and I think the imagery of it being his eye isnt too distorted ha. Awesome.


Friday, May 13, 2011

I need to learn how to take photos

Every time I'm working on a project I seem to be rushing to get it finished and on the street as soon as possible (mostly because I'm usually behind on posts and there are always stacks of things to get done). Because of this I've noticed how shitty most my photos turn out. Which sucks cause after someone has taken a piece...or torn it down...these pictures are all I ever have to show for it. I need to work on that.

          Today's project is another art drop of my wolf stencil on a nice heavy piece of wood I found the other day. It's kinda high up but if you can't climb you could try reaching though the fire escape stairs! Also, I've (lazily) begun to update my local spotting flickr lately. Caught one project in particular that I thought was pretty rad. Go check it out!


Monday, May 2, 2011

secrets don't lose weight

This is a first for me in years. I haven't just picked up a can and went at a wall free hand since I was in highschool...

Trying to develop a style with this man that seems be naturally coming out of my hands lately. I've never seen him before but he always seems to be so hollow no matter how he comes out.

Not sure if I'm finished with the bottom one yet. They're both on legal walls so I might go back and finish sometime soon.


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